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Archeological excavations in Jiroft led to the disco… I brought in people from the countries over which I rule, those who were conquered by me personally, [that is] from the country Suhi [those of] the town Great [?], from the entire land of Zamua, the countries Bit-Zamani and [Kir]rure, the town of Sirqu with is across the Euphrates, and many inhabitants of Laqe, of Syria and [who are subjects Ninurta II (890-884 BC) subdued Bit Zamani and consolidated the Assyrian rule in Northern Mesopotamia, but soon after, the rulers, who were now Assyrian vassals, were overthrown by local rivals, and Ashurnasirpal II was forced to attack Bit Zamani again. In the Upper Tigris region, and within the territories of Bit Zamani, the Assyrian provinces of This oath suggests that Bit-Zamani, situated in the lands Nairi, was an important horse-trading center. The wealth that Bit-Zamani accumulated over time is highlighted in a text of Ashurnasirpal II . When the Assyrian king marched to avenge the killing of the ruler of Bit-Zamani, he received from the nobles of that place 40 harnessed chariots Tyndale Bulletin 56.1 (2005) 145-149. HAΜSUKKĀΝ IN ISAIAH 40:20: SOME REFLECTIONS1 Simon Sherwin Summary Hamsukkān in Isaiah 40:20 has been linked with Akkadian musukkannu, a type of wood.
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This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported, 2.5 Generic, 2.0 Generic and 1.0 Generic license.: You are free: to share – to copy, distribute and transmit the work; to remix – to adapt the work; Under the following conditions: attribution – You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. Bit-Zamani is located in the region north and north-east of Diyarbakır in Turkey (Moo rey, 1994) 46. Parker, 2001b: 162 . Jun 4, 2016 - Egypt to build a new administrative and business capital, Saudi Arabia bombs Yemen rebels, Uzbek president wins with 90 percent of the vote Southern Mesoptamia Jiroft Marhaši Hamazi Bit-Zamani Magan Meluhha Dilmun Jiroft The “Jiroft culture” is a postulated early Bronze Age (late 3rd millennium BC) archaeological cul… Mar 30, 2018 - A map attached to the secret Sykes - Picot agreement of 1916 divided up the Middle East between Britain & France. Sprawdź tłumaczenia 'Amida' na język polski.
Bit Zamani fou un territori sota administració assíria, poblat per arameus que devien gaudir d'autonomia, que va existir entre el Tigris i l'Eufrates entre el segle xiii i el XI aC, passant llavors a ser un estat governat com estat independent per una dinastia aramea, aviat sotmès a Assíria.
It was once the capital city of the Arami Bit-Zamani Kingdom. It was The earliest reference to the city comes from Assyrian records which identify it as being the capital of the Aramean kingdom of Bit-Zamani (ca. 1300 BC). Southern Mesoptamia Jiroft Marhaši Hamazi Bit-Zamani Magan Meluhha Dilmun Jiroft The “Jiroft culture” is a postulated early Bronze Age (late 3rd millennium the city had been successively ruled by the Hurri-Mithani, Hitites and the Assyrians and once, was also the capital city of the Aramean Bit-Zamani kingdom .
Shalmaneser's campaign of 856 began with the completion of the conquest of the Aramaean state of Bit-Adini, lying on the Euphrates to the south of Carchemish. After leaving Bit-Adini, Shalmaneser made his way to Bit-Zamani, the Diyarbakır area, and thence began his long campaign through Eastern Anatolia to Western Iran and back to Assyria.
Bit-Zamani: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia [home, info] Words similar to bit-zamani Usage examples for bit-zamani Words that often appear near bit-zamani Rhymes of bit-zamani Invented words related to bit-zamani: Search for bit-zamani on Google or Wikipedia. Jun 3, 2016 - 1000-800 A.C.N. Neo-hittites et arameens - Bit-Zamani Jump to: General, Art, Business, Computing, Medicine, Miscellaneous, Religion, Science, Slang, Sports, Tech, Phrases We found one dictionary with English definitions that includes the word bit-zamani: Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "bit-zamani" is defined. The others were Bit-Zamani, Bit Bahiani and Laqe. By the ninth century BC all of them were assimilated by Assyria. In Bit-Ḫalupe was the city of Suru .
Syria 86: 55–65.
The first occurrence of Bit Zamani as a geographical name2 appears in a text from Tell Billa (Assyrian Sibaniba) which mentions "Assur-kasid, son of Bel-qarrad, hassihlu of the halsi of Bit Zamani" (table l)3. The term hassihlu The earliest reference to the city comes from Assyrian records which identify it as being the capital of the Aramean kingdom of Bit-Zamani (c. Amid(a), also known by various names throughout its long history, was established as an Aramean settlement, circa the 3rd millennium BC, later as the capital of Bit-Zamani. Some of the major Aramean speaking kingdoms included: Aram-Damascus, Hamath, Bit Syria 86 (2009) BIT ZAMANI AND ASSYRIA 57 on a campaign “to the fortified lands of Nairi,” and against Amme-ba’li, “a man of Bît Zamani” (mam-me-ba-a’-li DUMU za-ma-a-ni). During the course of the campaign, Tukultî-ninurta II destroyed two of (PDF) Bit Zamani and Assyria, Syria 86 (2009), 55-65 | Jeffrey Szuchman - is a platform for academics to share research papers.
By the ninth century BC all of them were assimilated by Assyria. In Bit-Ḫalupe was the city of Suru . Suru was also among the cities that in 883 BC took part in the unsuccessful rebellion against the Assyrian king Ashurnasirpal II. References Other articles where Bit-Yakin is discussed: Chaldea: …(the biblical Merodach-baladan), ruler of Bit-Yakin (a district of Chaldea), seized the Babylonian throne and, despite Assyrian opposition, held it from 721 to 710. He finally fled, however, and Bit-Yakin was placed under Assyrian control. The earliest reference to the city comes from Assyrian records which identify it as being the capital of the Aramean kingdom of Bit-Zamani (c. Amid(a), also known by various names throughout its long history, was established as an Aramean settlement, circa the 3rd millennium BC, later as the capital of Bit-Zamani.
When Seduru, the Urartian, heard (of this), relying on the might of his mighty army he attacked to wage war and battle. He fought with him, defeated him (and) filled the wide plain with the corpses of his warriors (5). Chaldeans in Bit-Zamani [Nashir-Bel] [the king] SAA 05 015: Building a Town, a Fort and a Palace [Nashi]r-Bel: the king: SAA 05 016: Exempt Land Provides no Straw: Nashir-[Bel] the king: SAA 05 017: Work on a Bull Colossus and Stone [Nashir-Bel] [the king] (717-706) SAA 05 018 (no title) Nashir-B[el] the king: SAA 05 019: Rendezvous [Nashir-Bel It was once the capital city of the Arami Bit-Zamani Kingdom. It was later occupied or ruled by the Meds, Persians, Macedonians, Seleukos, Romans, the Ilkhanide and the Akkoyunlu Seljucks. It is Bit-Zamani, an ancient Aramean state in northern Mesopotamia, located within the mountainous region of Tur Abdin.
It was one of the four Aramean states that bordered Assyria.
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Bit Zamani fou un territori sota administració assíria, poblat per arameus que devien gaudir d'autonomia, que va existir entre el Tigris i l'Eufrates entre el segle xiii i el XI aC, passant llavors a ser un estat governat com estat independent per una dinastia aramea, aviat sotmès a Assíria.
Jun 4, 2016 - Egypt to build a new administrative and business capital, Saudi Arabia bombs Yemen rebels, Uzbek president wins with 90 percent of the vote The following is an excerpt from the state archives of Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian Empire. The documents deals with revolt by a city that was under Assyrian control against the imperial rule of the Emperor Ashurnasirpal in the seventh century BCE. Sprawdź tłumaczenia 'Amida' na język polski. Zapoznaj się z przykładami tłumaczeń 'Amida' w zdaniach, posłuchaj wymowy i przejrzyj gramatykę. Bit-Zamani is an ancient Aramean state in northern Mesopotamia, located within the mountainous region of Tur Abdin. In Bit-Zamani was the city of Amida (Amedu, modern Diyarbakır).